Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hamlet: On revenge

In my opinion, revenge is not a good thing as we have been taught this way. Revenge states that if someone hits you, you will hit them back in simpler words. It is a desire to repay an injury or take a wrong action which is often some sort of violence. I think its not good because it often causes harm. However, some people think revenge is good because it gives you some type of satisfaction and some people feel worse if they get revenge on someone because they think it over and over again. In contrast to that, when people don't get revenge, they tend to trivialize the event by telling themselves that because they didn't act on their vengeful feeling, it wasn't a big deal. Then its easier to forget it and move on. Even if you take revenge on someone, you will feel good for a little while but when you are left alone with regret, you will feel like an idiot for taking revenge. Revenge is bad because you are lowering yourself to their level and you are becoming just as bad as them. Revenge just basically increases anger rather than decreasing it because if ruminations. In the process of taking revenge, one might end up doing things that they might regret later on in life.

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