Saturday, May 23, 2015

Inquiry Reflection (Step #7 of Inquiry Process)

Inquiry question - How can ads and commercials be misleading?

As I gathered my research for my inquiry, I learned lots of things that were certainly not expected. For example, I learned some new techniques of false advertising that I never knew before. In addition, some other things I learned were: how ads tend to be misleading, in what ways they can be misleading and why they are designed this way. Most of the information on this topic was fairly new to me as I have never really been exposed to this particular topic. During the inquiry process, the only big challenge I faced was how to put all this information together and present it. After all, I finally figured out what information to present and in what way I will present it. Though it was really hard to figure out, I finally got an idea to work. Next time, I would start by deciding on what way I will present all the information rather than figuring that out last. I would also try to use a different platform to present my information next time. I can connect my inquiry to my life because I watch TV like everyday and now I will be careful about the ads that are being advertised and I would interpret them more closely. Furthermore, I would like to continue to explore how ads are made and how much money it takes to advertise them in the TV, radio, and on the media. There isn't really anything I found confusing about my inquiry. Lastly, some new questions that I developed were: how do the owners of the ads make the ads misleading and what their main purpose of doing so.

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